In some Zoho Cliq WhatsApp channels, we see messages/alerts with the title "Renamed Channel". In addition to indicating that the Lead or Contact channel has been renamed, this message will appear in the following cases:
- We created a new Lead or Contact in our CRM with the "mobile" field completed.
- We updated the field "mobile" in a Lead or Contact.
- We updated the field "Name" in a Lead or Contact with the "mobile" field filled.
- We updated the field "Last Name" in a Lead or Contact with the "mobile" field filled.
- We updated the name of an account or we have linked a Lead or Contact with an account.
In any of the above cases, the Channel is renamed with the new values and will always be composed of:

"Lead/Contact name"" + "Lead/Contact last name" + "-" + "Lead account/lastname" + "/" + "WhatsApp number"