

When users talk to your chatbot, they immediately become your chatbot's subscribers. You can segmentize your subscribers into different audience groups to match your different targeting strategies.

The Broadcast consists of two sections: Audience and Broadcast.

Create Audience Group

  1. In "Broadcast", you can create audience group by select "+ New Audience" on the left panel.
Create Audience
  1. Name your audience group, but the description is not compulsory.
Create Audience
  1. Select a channel to locate the members who subscribed through this channel.
Audience Channel

Select one-by-one

"Select one-by-one" is useful for manually picking individual members. Once this option is selected, the audience size will start from 0, until you add more members to the group.

  1. By checking "Select one-by-one", the "Select Members" section will be displayed.
Select a few members
  1. "Select Members" allows you to view the list of available members, click on the member to add members to the audience group.
Select a few members
  1. The number of selected member will be shown. Remember to save the audience group!
Select a few members

Specify a target group with criteria

"Specify a target group with criteria" is useful for filtering and selecting a larger size of audience. Once this option is selected, the audience size will start from the total number of audience of the selected channel. You can apply criteria to filter the segment you would like to include.

  1. By checking "Specify a target group with criteria", the "Criteria", "Add Members" and "Exclude Members" sections will be displayed.
Select a few members
  1. In "Criteria", you can apply the basic filters or even "Custom Criterion".
GenderYou may simply select All, Male or Female to segmentize your audience
LocaleYou can select In or Not In to include or exclude subscribers according to their language settings on the platform
TagYou can select In or Not In to include or exclude subscribers according to the pre-defined member tags
Select a few members
  1. "Add Members" and "Exclude Members" provide the flexibility to add or exclude members who are not considered in the criteria.
Select a few members


If "Specify a target group" is selected without applying any criteria, all the members of the channel will be included. Therefore, an alert will be displayed for remind the user.

Alert for no criteria

Select everyone in channels

"Select everyone in channels" is useful if you would like send broadcast notifications to all members of the selected channel.

Since there is further filtering is needed, you can simply save the audience after selecting this option.

Select everyone in channels

Member List

When the audience group is saved, you can click on "Estimate Size" to get the total number of members selected.

Select a few members

By selecting "Member List", you can view the list of members selected.

Select a few members

Unsubscribed List

Our system has automatically created a list of members who have unsubscribed from your chatbot and this audience group is set as default in Exclude Audiences. The total number of unsubscribed members is displayed next to the tab Member List.

Unsubscribed List
Unsubscribed List