WhatsApp ChatBot used in DEMO

WhatsApp ChatBot used in DEMO

To access the DEMO, both the agent using the CRM as well as the customer using WhatsApp must start by sending a whatsapp to http://wa.me/34644212242 

At WOZTELL we have prepared a chatbot, with the same technology that we supply to customers, who's job is: 
  1. to give easy access to the platform for the person using the Trial as an agent. 
  2. give instructions to the person that is sending messages simulating a customer
  3. every time credentials are sent by email, register them in our WOZTELL CRM, as a possible lead.
  4. delete registered information from the CRM TRIAL once 2 hours have gone by since their creation. 
  5. send a WhatsApp notification when the information has been deleted.
  6. Handover the conversation to a human agent once its function has finalized. 
  7. delete the information if the user writes DELETE
  8. recuperate the conversation if a person writes back after their information has been deleted. 


For further clarification, you can review below the diagram of the chatbot the trial uses: