Completed Webinar

Completed Webinar


After the completion of each webinar, the speaker responsible (pre-sales team agent) for following up on the webinar should include his or her comments on the participants. The Lead, who must be in Status = Webinar, can be kept in this status if we have no additional information or if it will be updated by the agent based on signals received during the session.
Tasks to be completed by the agent, in the lead's file, are:
  1. Update Lead Status field
  2. Add notes
  3. Create a "follow-up task" in case there are indications of a business opportunity beyond the sale of the license. 
The new follow-up tasks will be reviewed by the Sales team, who will coordinate the moment to act with the Presales team.
Examples of business opportunities:  
  1. The lead shows real interest in a Chatbot
  2. The lead will need multiple WOZTELL licenses
  3. El lead could be strategic in its industry, country, etc..
  4. Other opportunities perceived by the pre-sales agent


Synchronization must also be done at the end of the webinar. This way, we can consult the status of the participants in the module SHOWTIME in CRM.

See below how to perform the synchronization:  

This must "always" be done against the Lead module