How to get the json key file from DialogFlow?

How to get the json key file from DialogFlow?

  1. Access DialogFlow with your Google account and create a new agent from the button "Create Agent"

  2. Assign a name to your agent and click on Create to create a new project

  3. CLick on Settings (gear icon) to go to the settings page

  4. Click on "project ID"

  5. Once in the Google Cloud Platform, go to IAM & admin > Service account  > Create service account 

  6. Fill out the details of the service account and click on the button "create"

  7. Select "DialogFlow API Admin" in the field "Role"

  8. Now, once the creation of the service account is finalized, select it and click on "Create Key"

  9. Select JSON as "key type"

  10. Download the new private key in JSON