Active customers
An active customer is anyone who interacts, at least once a month, with one of our WhatsApp Business "Professional" numbers activated through WOZTELL.
The possible interactions are, among others:
- Writes us a text
- Sends us an image, audio, file, emoticon, etc.
- Presses a button on an interactive template
Not considered interactions:
- Receives any kind of message sent by us
Example: if we send a template informing about the day and time of an appointment 10,000 times in a month, these are not considered active customers. Only those who respond to us, regardless of whether they should be attended by a human agent or a chatbot, will be considered Active Customers.
Active monthly customers
WOZTELL has licenses that offer the possibility of receiving messages while limiting the number of monthly customers.
Every 1st of the month the counter for the customers that have contacted us is reset. An active monthly customer is defined as anyone who has contacted us at least once through a channel.
If a customer contacts us using different numbers (WOZTELL multi-number), for WOZTELL's purposes it counts as different customers.
Likewise, if the contact was made through another channel integrated in WOZTELL (Fb Messenger, WebChat, etc), each contact would be counted as a different active customer.
Extra active customers are those that exceed the number included in the subscribed plan. If you have exceeded the limit of active customers included in your plan, a fixed amount will be deducted from your Pay-Per-Use Credits, for each extra customer.
Suppose you use a LiveChat Plan. This plan, according to the rate in August 2019, offers up to 1,000 active users within the cost of the license.
If in the same month of August you had 1,120 customers writing messages to you (1,120 active customers), the equivalent of 120 customers would be deducted from your credit.
If the cost per customer was, for example, $0.09, the calculation would be $0.09 x 120 = $10.80 and it would be applied directly.