Process to Opt-out of partnership

Process to Opt-out of partnership

You may request to opt-out of your partnership with Woztell at any time; to do so you must send your written request to , stating the motives and the date that you wish to stop being considered a Woztell partner.

The opt-out request entails the loss of any rights acquired within the period of time you formed part of the partners' channel, of customers and commissions generated by them. The moment it is effective, access to any systems provided by Woztell will be lost, as well as authorization for the use of company-owned materials, for example, logos, presentations, videos, and any other material associating you with Woztell.

Woztell reserves the right to reassign customers to any other partner in order to follow-up and obtain the maximum benefit from the solution, with no compensation to the partner that opted out of the channel.