Review management in ZOHO MARKETPLACE

Review management in ZOHO MARKETPLACE

Review management in ZOHO marketplace has the following features:
  1. Users can make reviews from two different places: 
    1. When responding to an automatic email that is sent from ZOHO MARKETPLACE, after someone installs the extension. 
    2. When entering the extension's URL while logged in your ZOHO account
  2. Each extension created by WOZTELL has its own reviews, which are managed independently by MARKETPLACE 
  3. Scores can be included with or without comments
  4. There is no comment section about the creator (WOZTELL) although there is a score of everything published
  5. An automatic email is received from MARKETPLACE every time a comment is made.
The way to manage reviews will be:
  1. Positive, do nothing, to not overload the reviews
  2. Neutral, use the opportunity to complement the review, by proposing a link with added-value for that person (invitation to webinars, chatbot, etc)
  3. Negative
    1. propose ideas to amend the review
    2. try to locate the person to understand why: good people appreciate direct contact. Try to solve it and, only after, extend an invitation to change the review with their new experience with us
  4. With bad intent
    1. counter with sound arguments
    2. report the comment on ZOHO MARKETPLACE so it is removed


 A ticket is generated in our account when we receive the email from Marketplace, which is then moved to
The pre-sales team will notify the person responsible for managing it by adding a task in the marketing action called REVIEWS MARKETPLACE in this link

  2. End date: two days after