What sections in your Web Strategy you can use WhatsApp Business

Update your website with WhatsApp links

A company that hires Woztell and has a website will be able to update elements in his web strategy soo this way in just one click the visitors of the website can start interacting with the company. 
To add a link to the WhatsApp Business, the link structure is the following: ​​https://wa.me/16506145421
For more information see this article in our knowledge base.
It highly recommended making a review of the website to include links to the WhatsApp Business, this is the sections to update in the Web Strategy:

Contact Page

Users who have reached the Contact page usually come to this page to proactively act, either by filling out a form or sending an email. It is recommended to add a WhatsApp Button to allow the visitor direct contact with the company.

Floating button throughout the Web

The floating web button is a button that is displayed in all sections of the web. If we have a floating button within the web, it is recommended to integrate the floating button within all sections of the web, with a link direct to WhatsApp Business.

Footer of the Web

The footer of the web is the lower part of the structure of the pages, it is usually the same approved design for all pages. Generally, within the footers of the web, there is a contact section with different links, to social networks and the contact form.
We recommend adding within the Footer of the Web a direct Button to establish contact through WhatsApp Business

Footer with Whatsapp Business Link

Landing Pages

Landing Pages are pages optimized for converting visitors into Prospective Clients. A resource to optimize the Conversion Rate with WhatsApp is to add a button with a predetermined message to understand that this message comes from said Landing Page.


If one of the general Marketing strategies is Content Marketing, it's recommended that within each article have a call to action can be made with very specific texts.

The sections of the Web where you can add Web buttons are Contact Page, Footer, and others. If you have any questions, contact our support@woztell.com

In this way, we can establish direct contact, encouraging customers who are interested in our content.
In general, these are the sections that are recommended to review within the Web Strategy to add Calls to Action and Buttons to WhatsApp Business.