The deposit is a value in USD or EUR from which the associated costs with paid WhatsApp conversations and/or extra Monthly Active Users (MAU) in excess of the subscribed plan will be deducted. A one-time charge will be made at the time of purchase of the plan and can be renewed when the plan is running out.
How auto top-up works?
At the moment of paying the license, the value of the deposit is defined according to the plan, for example:
Starter: $50 or 50€
Growth: $100 or 100€
Agency: $400 or 400€
The daily costs generated from WhatsApp conversations will be charged after 3 days so that our platform is able to collate the amount with the record from WhatsApp. Once we have confirmed the exact amount to be charged, and when the remaining credits are insufficient to pay for the expenses without dropping below the 10% safety net, WOZTELL will top-up an extra amount to the credits to secure the 10% safety net for the upcoming charge from WhatsApp conversations.

You can refer to our platform's documentation to find more info about the Deposit top-up