WhatsApp Templates Features

WhatsApp Template Features

WARNING: WhatsApp template categories will be migrated to the new categories by WhatsApp before June 1st, 2023.

WhatsApp template features

Detailed below you can see the features of templates you can use with your WhatsApp:  
  1. Text templates: the maximum size of sent messages is 1024 characters
  2. Multimedia templates:  Audio, image, video, pdf, files
  3. Interactive templates: The customer can select various options on a template by pressing a button. The selection can be registered. Available in 3Q2020
  4. Multi-lingual templates: template language is based on the customer's language
  5. Template parameters: Text, currency, date-time, image, and document all may be template parameters 
  6. Pre-approved template database:  to make your job easier, in 4Q2020 you can access templates that have been proven to work and have previously been approved by WhatsApp 


WhatsApp recommends using templates in the following scenarios: 
1. Account updates
2. Alert updates
3. Appointment updates
4. Problem solving
5. Payment updates
6. Personal finance updates
7. Reservation updates
8. Delivery updates
9. Entry updates
10. Transportation updates
You can access WhatsApp's information on the creation of templates at  https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/message-templates