WhatsApp Workflows inside ZOHO CRM

WhatsApp Workflows inside ZOHO CRM

WhatsApp Workflows within ZOHO CRM

🚀 Send Automated WhatsApp Messages! With our integration with ZOHO CRM, you can create WhatsApp automations without writing a single line of code! Send notifications when you create a lead, a contact, or even remind your customers before a meeting.

InfoWith this feature, you can send WhatsApp messages within your workflows:

1️⃣ Send outgoing WhatsApp messages based on any condition.
2️⃣ Use variables in your WhatsApp messages.
3️⃣ Trigger WhatsApp messages instantly when the workflow is executed.
4️⃣ Schedule WhatsApp message delivery.

Notes⚠️ Before You Start

1️⃣ Install the WOZTELL extension in your ZOHO CRM
👉 Check out our installation guide: Guide

2️⃣ If you’re already a user, update the extension

  • Go to Settings in ZOHO CRM.
  • Select Marketplace.
  • In the third tab, you'll find the option to update the WOZTELL extension.
  • Choose whether to install it for all users, only administrators, or specific users.

📌 Step-by-Step: Sending WhatsApp Messages via Workflows in ZOHO CRM

1️⃣ Access your ZOHO CRM settings (top-right corner).

2️⃣ Select Workflow Rules.

3️⃣ Create a new workflow rule based on your desired conditions (e.g., when a new lead is created). Example: Trigger a WhatsApp message whenever a LEAD is created with "Contact Form" as the source.

4️⃣ Set up the rule and define the WhatsApp messages that will be sent automatically.

5️⃣ Define the module where the workflow rule will be, the name, and a description.

6️⃣ Set the conditions before configuring the outgoing WhatsApp message.

Info📌 Schedule WhatsApp or send it inmediatly?
  • Select "Instant Actions" for immediate sending.
  • Select "Schedule Actions" to deliver at a specific time.

7️⃣ Once the rule and conditions are set, choose the action:
“WhatsApp (Woztell Platform).”

8️⃣ Send WhatsApp (Woztell Platform) within the Workflow
It doesn’t matter if the sending is immediate or scheduled—the instructions are the same:

 1️⃣ Select the Mobile field, which contains the contact’s phone number.

2️⃣ On the left side, choose the WhatsApp Cloud template, previously created in platform.woztell.com/channel.

3️⃣ If the template includes variables such as First Name and Last Name, you need to link them to the correct fields:

4️⃣ Select the corresponding field on the right side and copy the generated code.

5️⃣ This code represents the dynamic variable that will personalize the message.

6️⃣ Copy and paste the code in the designated place within the template.

7️⃣ If you want to publish this automation in ZOHO Cliq, select the corresponding option.

8️⃣ Save the changes.

9️⃣ Assign a name to the WhatsApp automation.

🔟 Save and done! 🎉 Your automation is now active!

And you're done! 🎉 Now, your WhatsApp messages will be sent automatically within your ZOHO CRM workflows. 🚀