WhatsApp and ZOHO Cliq Integration

WhatsApp and ZOHO Cliq Integration

The integration of WhatsApp with ZOHO Cliq allows you to send and receive WhatsApp messages from your ZOHO Cliq, without having to leave the application or have to open additional tabs. Both types of WhatsApp messages, incoming and outgoing; will leave and enter from your official WhatsApp company number. In addition, you will not lose the possibility of continuing to send normal ZOHO Cliq messages to your colleagues.

Receiving messages on your ZOHO Cliq

To receive messages, you just have to provide your company WhatsApp number to your customers and every time someone contacts you, a new WhatsApp channel will be created automatically on your ZOHO Cliq. WhatsApp channels can be assigned to one or more agents, who will skip a notification every time a new WhatsApp message arrives. If the person you are contacting is not in our database, it will appear as an unknown number until we update it in our CRM, of which the lead/contact will be previously notified with an automated WhatsApp message. You can see how to update a lead/contact in ZOHO CRM here.

Sending messages from ZOHO Cliq

To answer or start a new conversation from ZOHO Cliq, simply open the channel created on the left side of your ZOHO Cliq, within the Channels tab; and send the message you want by typing the /w command before that.

Team WhatsApp

When working from ZOHO Cliq, our Corporate WhatsApp channel automatically becomes a collaborative team WhatsApp, since the entire team will be able to view the conversations of the other agents with the leads/clients and even collaborate in the same conversation by making directions or sending additional information to each other, without the customer seeing it. For this, it is as easy as writing the messages that you do not want the lead/contact to see, without adding the /w command. The lead/contact will only be able to see the messages sent with the /w command in before that. In addition, all the messages that we send with the WhatsApp /w command will appear in red in ZOHO Cliq to be able to differentiate them easily.

WhatsApp Delivered Status

As in WhatsApp, from ZOHO Cliq we can view the status of the messages we send. A message can have these status:

โคด๏ธ Message left your Cliq and was sent to WABA cloud

๐ŸŒ  Message sent from WABA cloud to the contact

๐Ÿ“ฒ   Message delivered to the contact

 โœ…  Message read by the contact

โœ–๏ธ   Message sending failed

If you want to read more about what it is to know the status of sent messages, visit this post.