WhatsApp Channel

WhatsApp Channel

WhatsApp Deployment

Create WhatsApp Channel

  1. In Channels, select "+ New Channel".
  1. Find the WhatsApp Cloud Integration, and select "Next".
  1. Select "Create Channel".
  1. Fill in the Channel Name and optional Channel Description. Select "Confirm".
  1. The channel is created. You can click on Start Setup to start setting up your WABA.

Embedded Sign-up Flow

  1. When the channel is created, you will be directed to "Platform". Click on Start Setup to start setting up your WABA. Please follow Connect WABA to WOZTELL for completing the Embedded Sign-up Flow.

Once you have completed the embedded sign-up flow without business verification, you are still able to enjoy the unverified experience right away:

  • Respond to unlimited customer-initiated conversations within the 24-hour messaging windows
  • Send business-initiated conversations to up to 250 unique customers in a rolling 24-hour period.
  • Register up to two phone numbers.

To enable the full features of the WABA, please complete the Business Verification or request to become an Official Business Account (OBA).

Add Trees & Global Nodes

  1. In the WhatsApp channel, head to "Trees" and then "Settings". Add the specific trees and global nodes that you would like to include in the WhatsApp channel. You can add multiple trees and global nodes into one channel.
Add trees and global nodes in the channel
Add trees and global nodes in the channel


WhatsApp Info

In "Platform", you will find the basic information about your WABA, including WhatsApp NumberWABA IDPhone Number IDMessaging Limit Tier and Official Business Account.

Business Profile Settings

WOZTELL also allows you personalize your WhatsApp Business Profile in "Platform"

  1. You can click "Edit Profile Picture" to upload an icon for your WhatsApp number and fill in the information about your business.

  • The photo must be a square with a max edge of 640px and max size of 5MB before uploading.
  • The character limit for Profile is 139 characters.
  1. Once you have completed editing the business profile, click "Update Profile" to save the settings.

Commerce Settings

For the WhatsApp Commerce Settings, please refer to the Product Message Guide.

Reconnect Number

By entering the 6-digit registration code and click "Confirm", you can reconnect the phone number. This process is needed when WhatsApp approves your new display name.

Events History

The status update of your WABA and phone number (i.e display name approval, change of quality rating, etc) will be displayed under the Events History section.

Add trees and global nodes in the channel
Add trees and global nodes in the channel

Message Template Status Update

You can provide your own webhook for subscribing to the Message Template status updates (i.e template pausing, template approval, etc).


This feature is supported in v1.1.0 or above.

Add trees and global nodes in the channel
Add trees and global nodes in the channel

Just input the URL of your webhook and click "Enter". Finally, select "Save" to complete the subscription to the status update.

Add trees and global nodes in the channel
Add trees and global nodes in the channel

Submit Message Template

In order to send Templated Messages on WhatsApp, you must first submit the message content to WhatsApp team for approval. Only approved templates can be sent to users.

Create Message Template

  1. In "Platform", select "Message Template". This section allows you to manage your WhatsApp message templates.
  1. Click "Create" to create a new message template.
  1. Before adding the content, you must input the template's NameCategory and Language. You can refer to the template details or the WhatsApp documentation
  1. Optionally, you can add Header to the template. However, some header types require a Sample as part of the review process..

The following Header Types require a sample:

  • Image
  • Video
  • Document

The following Header Types do not require a sample:

  • Text (cannot be changed after submission)
  • Location
  1. Add the text content in the Body. Optionally, you can add text parameters, such as {{1}} and {{2}}, you are required to add sample as part of the review process.
  1. Optionally, you can a Footer, which is a short line of text at the bottom of the template.
  1. Optionally, you can add buttons to the template.
  1. Click "Submit" to submit your message template. Once submitted, a new template will be created and pending for approval.
  1. You can hover over the template for previewing the content.
  1. You can also filter the template by Template NameCategoryLanguage and Status.

Template Details

NameCan only contain lowercase alphanumeric characters and underscores ( _ ); No other characters or white space are allowedY
CategorySelect the correct category of your template; See list of supported categoriesY
LanguageSelect the correct language of your template; The template name will be the same for all translations; You will specify the language field when sending out the template; See list of supported languagesY
ContentThe content of your message template; Support parameter placeholders in the format of {{1}}Y
HeaderThe header of your message template; the types include "Image", "Video", "Document", "Text" and "Location"N
BodyThe body of your message template (Character Limit: 1024)Y
FooterThe text footer of your message templateN
ButtonsThe button(s) of your message template; Call-to-action or Quick Reply; 3 buttons max.N

Maximum Character Limit

PropertyCharacter Limit
Body (Without Header/Footer)Up to 1024 characters
Body (With Header/Footer)Up to 1024 characters
Header60 characters
Footer60 characters

Please note that, within a WhatsApp Message Template, the character limit does not apply to the variables.

Example Template

Creating an order confirmation message where the message template name is order_confirmation and the message is:

Your order {{1}} for a total of {{2}} is confirmed. The expected delivery is {{3}}.

  • You can fill in parameter placeholders in the format of {{1}}.
  • You should create all translations of the same content under the same message template.
  • You may click "+ New Language" to add multiple translations under the same template content.

Submission Status

The submission result generally will be ready within 1 day. Here are the submission status:

  • Yellow
    : Pending from approval
  • Red
    : Rejected
  • Green
    : Approved
  • Light Grey
    : Pending to delete
  • Dark Grey
    : Deleted

The status circle will automatically turn into 

once the message template is approved.

Edit Message Template

In WOZTELL, you can also edit the existing message templates. Please note that edited templates will be submitted for approval again, regardless of the original status.

  1. In "Platform" -> "Message Template", click on the "Edit" button on an existing template.
  1. Select a locale of the message template. Click "Confirm" to proceed.

Only one locale of the message template can be edited at one time.

  1. The original content of the template will be displayed. The Template Name and Language cannot be edited.
  1. Click "Submit" to submit the edited template.
  1. The status will turn to "Pending for Approval". You will be able to send this template again when it is approved.