How can I subscribe to multiple WhatsApp numbers?

How can I subscribe to multiple WhatsApp numbers?

With the Woztell extension, your company can have more than one WhatsApp API number integrated into Zoho applications like Cliq, CRM and Desk.
The great advantage of this is having the flexibility of multiple numbers, as well as the convenience of managing them all on the same platform, with all records organized in your customer profiles. 

It is great for companies to have a central contact number that functions as the company identifier for the customer, however, there are many scenarios where having multiple numbers is a business advantage. For example:
  1. Companies with presence in multiple countries
It can be important to have a local number for each country, to give a sense of proximity to your customers.
  1. You want to have different numbers for marketing campaigns and for customer service and sales.
Marketing campaigns often generate large volumes of contacts, but many are still unqualified; you can have a dedicated number for these campaigns, associated to a chatbot, that will qualify the contacts and avoid wasting your sales team's time. You will have another number for day-to-day sales with qualified customers.

There are many other examples of situations where it can be important to have multiple numbers in your company. If you want to talk to us about your specific case in order to make a decision, you can send us a WhatsApp or write to

How to subscribe to multiple numbers?

To subscribe to the multi-number option, you must define if the numbers will share the approved templates. This means that when you approve a template with WhatsApp, it will be available for use on all the numbers activated on the account. 
When numbers share templates they are called associated multi-numbers, and when they do not share templates they are called independent multi-numbers.

Examples of cases to choose from: 
  1. Multinumber associated: if all numbers are to be used by sales teams speaking the same language but in different countries, it is very likely that the templates in one country will be the same as those used in other countries. In this case, it is worth sharing templates in order to maintain a single sales structure. 
  2. Independent multinumber: in the case that one number is used for sales and another for support, or they are numbers for branches in countries with different languages, it is better that they are different numbers and do not share templates so it is easier for each team to have access only to the information that is useful for them. 
To subscribe, there are two instances:
  1. Your company already has an active WhatsApp API number with Woztell and you want the numbers to share the approved templates.
  1. Go to the contract page
  2. In " Plan ", select the plan you have associated with the WhatsApp number you have active.
It is not possible for each number to be associated with a different plan. All numbers registered as multi-numbers will be on the same plan.
      3. In " Subscription ", select the renewal frequency of the Woztell licence.
      4. In " Region ", select the currency in which you want the invoice to be charged: EUR or USD.
      5. In " Pay per use credits", select "Multinumber", and add the number you have active with Woztell in "Main WhatsApp number".
The system will check the existence of the main number and will show you an error if it is not found.  If the number exists and the error persists, you can contact us via WhatsApp or write to
      6. Add invoice information and proceed to the checkout to assign a credit card.

  1. If your company is going to contract multiple numbers without having an active number, or you have an active number but want the new number to be independent and not share templates with the active number.
  1. Go to the contract page
  2. In " Plan ", select the plan of your choice.
  3. In " Subscription ", select the renewal frequency of the Woztell licence.
  4. In " Region ", select the currency in which you want the invoice to be charged: EUR or USD.
  5. In "Pay per use credits", select the value you want to be the reference for recharging credits every time you use them. If you have doubts about how credits work, you can read this article.
  6. Add invoice information and proceed to checkout to assign a credit card.

All new number sign-ups, regardless of whether or not the numbers share templates, require a setup process per number, and therefore a setup cost will apply to each new number sign-up.


Once the number is purchased, the Setup team will contact you to choose which settings you would like on the new number: 
  1. Facebook Business manager (FBM)
  2. Different FBM, when the companies that will use each number have different FBM.
It is important to note that the display name that appears in WhatsApp has to be in accordance with the FBM name, so if the branches, for example, of your company have different names, you will have to register the respective numbers to the different FBMs that show the names of each company.
  1. Same FBM. This function is limited to a maximum of 5 numbers in the same account.
If you wish to have more than 5 numbers, we will have to associate them to a new FBM.

      2. Integration with Cliq, CRM or Desk
You have to confirm if you are going to integrate all the numbers to the same Cliq, CRM or Desk, or not.


  1. How does the day-to-day use of this multi-number solution work?
You can see all the details on how to use it in this tutorial article.
  1. Are there discounts for multi-number purchases?
If you are purchasing more than 5 numbers, special offers are available. To access the special offers, please contact us via WhatsApp or write to, for our sales team to help you choose the best offer for your business. 
  1. I am trying to contract several numbers together, but it only allows me to contract one license.
Licenses are purchased separately, so after purchasing a license, you have to go to the purchase link again and purchase the new license. 
  1. I have bought the first license, and when I want to buy the second one, I get an error when I enter the number I am going to use as the main one.
This error happens when the first number we have contracted is not yet verified. 
In this case, you must make the purchase directly as if it were a number that is not a multi-number, selecting a value in "Pay per use credits". During the configuration of the numbers, our setup team will combine the credit values into a single account when associating the WhatsApp numbers.