Change WhatsApp Business API number

Change WhatsApp Business API number

To change any number already approved as WhatsApp Business API means WhatsApp has registered it to a customer and replacing it would actually mean unsubscribing the number and registering a new one with WhatsApp. To change the number a new configuration process must be performed.

Therefore, when unregistering the previously registered number, in order to register the new number, you must consider that if you do it at the same time, you will not be able to answer requests on the number that was unregistered. 

If you have a lot of customers who are used to contacting your company on the previously registered number, you may want to consider keeping both numbers connected for a month or two, so you can notify your customer base of the change and ensure that you are able to answer any requests until everyone writes to you on the new number.

When you request the change of number, it is necessary to determine whether:
  1. You will keep the two active numbers, the current one and the new one, for one or more months during the transition period.
    In this case, the registration of the new number will have the cost of the setup fee and the subscription. The value will depend on the plan you want to use. You can see the cost of plans and the setup fee in the pricing page.
  2. You are going to change the number at once, registering the new number and canceling the current number.
    Only the setup fee applies to this change, the value will depend on the plan you have associated with your current number. 
As the company will already have the Facebook Business Manager verified, the setup process is a bit simpler, as described below:
  1. Request the replacement of the number by e-mail to, communicating if you are going to keep the current registered number active or if you are going to change the numbers at once. You have to send what will be the desired new number and display name;

  2. The support team will request approval to charge the card on file, communicating the value applicable to the request made;

  3. After receiving confirmation to proceed with the payment, the support team will process it and the setup process will start with the following steps:

    a) Request by our setup team with WhatsApp for the approval of the display number and name;

    b) After approval, the team will send you the calendar link for you to select the day to do the remote setup session.
    The remote session usually takes a maximum of one hour, and our setup team takes control of your computer to access your company's CRM or Desk account. For this session, it is essential that the person participating from your company can log in as a super administrator in CRM or Desk.

    c) If you chose to unsubscribe from the current number, after the setup session, the setup team will unsubscribe the number that was replaced. If you chose to keep the previously registered number for a period of time, it will remain active until you inform support that you want to unsubscribe this number.

 To learn more about which numbers can be activated as WhatsApp Business API, read this article.  


  • Can I use the number that will be deactivated as Whatsapp Business or personal?

To understand the options for reusing numbers with WhatsApp you can review this article. 

  • How do I request the cancellation of the number that remained active when I added another number to my account?

Review this article to learn how to request a cancellation and what it entails.